Southwold’s premier entertainment venue
Box office: 01502 722572

Southwold Literary Festival ~ RICHARD FORTEY

Richard Fortey spent his working life in palaeontology at the Natural History Museum, specialising in trilobites & becoming a world expert. He was elected President of the Geological Society of London for its bicentennial year of 2007 & is a Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Royal Society of Literature. He is the writer of eight previous science & nature books, including two Sunday Times bestsellers, all of which are still in print. He has presented many television programmes across the BBC & other channels.

Richard has spent much of his lifetime searching for rare & extraordinary fungi, in a quest to understand the importance of ‘the forgotten kingdom' in the web of nature. In “Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind: In Pursuit of Remarkable Mushrooms” he takes us on his journey to meet luminous brackets, stinkhorns and stranglers, & many other bizarre & wonderful mushrooms & toadstools, ranging from the ugliest & strangest species to the beautiful silky rosegill. This is a celebration of fungi in all their different roles - both in the natural world & in our own lives.

Unreserved seating.

Southwold Literary Festival ~ RICHARD FORTEY